My girlfriend shared this story with me today. I knew I had to make a post after seeing this amazing PHOTO BOMB! i want you to Imagine taking your kids to the beach, and then seeing what looks like a…

Great White Shark photo captured at Manhattan Beach in California

Life after Yolanda in Malapascua Island
Some people asked me for updates after my post here Typhoon Yolanda hit Malapascua HARD leaving most of the people on the island homeless. Oddly enough they are receiving the LEAST support (practically being ignored by the government) Here are some…

Should I go to the Philippines after Typhoon Yolanda? Is it safe?
That’s a question, I asked myself right after Typhoon Yolanda. After thinking about it for a day, I convinced the girlfriend that’s exactly where we should be going! When I told my family and friends that I had booked my…

What I did in the past 5 years & Hope to do in the Future 5 years.
As we quickly approach the year 2014. It suddenly hit me! In the past 5 years. I have been home for a total of 5 months! It’s amazing how time flies when you are traveling and living abroad. It really…

10 Life Experiences of a Long-term traveler
I have been traveling and living overseas since I graduated university in 2009. Here are my top 10 Life experiences: 1) Just do it. Yes, like the NIKE slogan. Just get out of your comfort zone. Plan and book your…

AirBnB Review
As an experienced traveler, I’m constantly asked by family and friends on where to find the cheapest accommodations. If your just looking for a CHEAP place, I suggest staying in a dormitory in a hostel. However, if your looking for…

Slow Travel: Pros Vs Cons
PROS: Making new friends and connections with other people. The more time you spend in one place, the greater the chance you can develop new friends (or possible romance?) with another person. Taking a peek at the local lives.…

Why you should Travel Slow
Making new friends and connections with other people. The more time you spend in one place, the greater the chance you can develop new friends (or possible romance?) with another person. Taking a peek at the local lives. I…

Welcome to DyingToTravel
Welcome to my travel page! Whether your a first time traveler or a veteran traveler, I’m sure you will gain new and exciting information which can be applied before, during or after your travels. Please feel free to leave a…